2012中考英语考点复习— There be句型精讲

There be句型的基本用法是表示“某地(或某时)有某人(或某物)”,其形式为“ There be+代词或名词(短语)+地点、时间状语”。这里 there是引导词,没有词义, be是谓语动词,代词或名词(短语)是主语。 be要与主语保持人称和数的一致。否定句是在 be后加 not;一般疑问句是将 be放在句首;反意疑问句中的简短问句是由“ be(或其否定式)+ there”构成。例如:

1. There is a desk and two chairs in the room.(紧挨着 be动词的主语是 a desk,是单数,故 be的形式要用 is

2. There aren't two chairs and a desk in the room.(否定句)

3. Is there anything wrong with your ears?(一般疑问句回答: Yes, there is./ No, there isn't.

4. There wasn't a meeting yesterday, was there?(反意疑问句)

除此之外,还有一个重要句式“有某人在做某事”,要用“ There be+ sb.+ doing sth.+地点、时间状语”。例如:

There are several children swimming in the river.(河里有几个孩子在游泳。

There be结构中常见的时态有如下几种情况:

通过上面可知:各种时态的变化是通过 be动词的变化来体现的。因此,首要的问题是弄清楚 There behave所表示的意义。 There be句型表示“存在”关系, have表示“所属”关系,两者不能混合在一个句子中。例如:明天有一个班会。

( 1) There will have a class meeting tomorrow. (×)

( 2) There is going to/ will be a class meeting tomorrow. (√)

有时候既表示“存在”又表示“所属”时两种都可以用。例如: Class Three have a map of China on the wall.(“地图”为三班学生所有。There is a map of China on the wall in Class Three.(“地图”存在于三班。)由此看来, There will have是错误的。

☆复习 There be句型时除了掌握基础知识外,还应注意以下问题:

1. There be句型的考查更多的是将 be动词与主语结合在一起进行的,即主谓的一致性。例如:

( 1) There is_____ on the floor.

A.cat B.water C.boxes D. football

( 2) There are_____ on the floor.

A.cat B.water C.boxes D.football

解析:( 1)由 is可知主语应是可数名词单数或不可数名词,而 AD项中都缺少冠词 a,故选 B,同理可知( 2)应选 C

2.如果作主语的是一个短语,则常常考查短语中的修饰语。可数名词的复数形式前可以用 any, some, few, a few, many或用数词+ hundred/ thousand/ million, hundreds/ thousands/ millions of, no等修饰;不可数名词可以受 any, some, no, little, a little, much等词的修饰。例如:

( 1) There were_____ students in our school.

A.hundreds B.eight hundred C.eight hundreds of

( 2) There is_____ water. You needn't get some more.

A.few B.little C. much

解析:( 1)由数词与名词的搭配关系可知选 B,( 2)由 water可知排除 A项,再由后一句意思便知选 C


( 1)不定代词在句中作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:

There is nothing in the fridge.

( 2)不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词的前面。例如:

There is something interesting in today's newspaper.

4. There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。

如果陈述部分含有 little, few, no, nobody, none等否定词时,后面的简短问句中要用肯定形式。例如:

There is nobody in the room, is there?


There is something unusual in the room, isn't there?



( 1) There is_____ food.You needn't buy any.

A.any B.some C. no

( 2) There is_____ food.You have to buy some.

A.any B.some C. no

解析:从这两题中的第一个句子来看均可选用 someno,但与后面的句意结合看,答案则是唯一的:( 1) B,( 2) C

There be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是进一步加强对知识的理解与运用方面的考查。例如 be动词与主语的一致性、名词或代词的修饰语、搭配关系、含否定词的反意疑问句等。二是有可能出现“有某人在做某事”这一句型,即“ There be+ sb.+ doing sth.+地点、时间状语”。