


现在由于作业负担越来越重,很多同学作业完成后时间就非常晚了,很少再腾出时间去读书了,而且闲暇时间大多数学生更喜欢听音乐,看电视,上网等。针对这种情况,请你发出倡议让学生“多读书,读好书。”词数 80100字,要求语句连贯,思维清楚。


学生范文 1

My dear friends,

Reading is very important in our life. There are many advantages of reading books. First, we can gain knowledge and more information if we read more books. Second, reading can open our minds. Third, it makes us cleverer and happier. The most important point is that reading can improve our study. And reading also helps us grow as a perfect person.

Bur to our surprise, many students spend much time on the activities such as listening to the music, watching TV and going online. So I suggest everyone around us should read more books and read good books. Let's start reading now.


本文突出的优点是层次清楚,条理分明。尤其是 firstsecondthird,以及 the most important point等词语的运用使读者感到清晰明确。另外 to our surprise这一词语的运用也使文章与众不同,为评分老师所赞赏。

学生范文 2

My dear friends,

Reading is very important in our life. There are a lot of advantages of reading books. For example, we can gain knowledge and information by reading. Reading more books can open our minds and make us cleverer and happier. Students's tudy can be improved if they read more books. Reading also helps us grow up faster.

However, things are very bad now. We see that many activities such as listening to the music, watching TV and going online take up much of our reading time. So here I would like to suggest everyone should read more books and read good books. Make sure to read more books as much as possible. Let's start reading now.


作者从“读好书”及读书的益处写开,并举例阐述读书的意义,有理有据。为了进一步提出问题,小作者笔锋一转,恰当地用了 however,提出了目前的问题所在。最后作者还建议: Let's start reading now. 总体说来,本作文不落俗套,成功运用了一些语法难句,可以说是一篇不错的文章。