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There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let'have a look. In China,__________.


学生范文 1

There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let'have a look. In China, students never call their teacher's name directly. They often sayMr.orMrs.Before their first name. When classes begin, students must listen carefully and take some notes. When a student has his own idea, he should put up his hand. But if you are in America, you don't have to do these. You can sit in the chair with your teacher, you can talk with each other face to face, and you can relax yourself. When you are thirsty, you can have a drink. You can speak a lot in class freely. American education is very good, but I think Chinese class is much better because we can learn a lot in class.



学生范文 2

There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let's have a look. In China, Students don't call their teacher's full name, they like calling Mr. Wang, Mrs. Chen and so on instead. But in America, students can sit face to face. In class, Chinese students often listen to the teachers and write some important things. But in America, students can relax themselves and they can drink some juice. When a student has a question, they often hands up in China, but they can talk freely in America. I want to go to America because I can do many things in class and my teacher isn't angry with me.



学生范文 3

There are some differences between a Chinese class and an American class. Let's have a look. In China, We can't call teacher's name because that's not polite in class. In China, we should take seriously studies. Taking notes and listening carefully are very important in class. If you have some problems, you can put up your hand. In America, students sit down face to face with their teachers. It's very easy to get along well with each other. They can also talk to each other and have some drinks in class. In my opinion, we should do the things as we want to do, we don't need obey so many rules.


本篇文章通过两个方面来说明中国的孩子非常遵守纪律,认真读书;美国的孩子则自由、活泼、有朝气。文章用了动名词短语作主语如:“ taking notes and listening carefully…”,还用到“ in my opinion”来引起下文。整篇文章知识要点都包含在内,表达较好。