iPhone开啤酒瓶! Impossible?

You can do a lot with an iPhone these daystext, take pictures, surf the net, and even make a phone call.

现如今,你可以用 iPhone做很多很多事:发短信、拍照片、上网——甚至打电话。

And soon, thanks to two Australian entrepreneurs, you will be able use it to open a bottle of beer by way of the" Opena," a hard plastic case that fits over the iPhone and is equipped with a slide-out bottle opener.

拜两名澳大利亚创业者所赐,很快你就能借助 iPhone的配套工具“ Opena”打开一瓶啤酒了。Opena”是一种装在 iPhone上的硬塑料套,配有滑出式开瓶器。

" Basically, Australians are fairly heavy drinkers, as you may or may not know," said Melbourne-based Chris Peters, an industrial designer who developed the product with Rob Ward, a former toolmaker.

墨尔本的工业设计师 Chris Peters表示:“你可能不知道,基本上澳大利亚人都特别能喝酒。”他同前模具制造者 Rob Ward共同开发了这款产品。

" We're always out at friends ' houses and so on, and in some cases you may not have your keys on you... So we thought, why don't we attach a bottle opener to an iPhone case? We always have our phones on us."

“我们经常外出呆在朋友家里,有时候或许没随身带开瓶器……所以我们就想,为什麽不在 iPhone套上装个开瓶器呢?因为我们总会带手机的,” Peters说。

Working from three basic rules - - the case had to be slim, there had to be no chance of the opener scratching the iPhone, and the opener had to work without putting any pressure on the phone - - the two developed a prototype.

他俩在开发该产品时遵循了三个基本规则:手机套必须很薄,必须确保开瓶器不会划伤 iPhone,必须确保使用开瓶器时不会给手机带来任何压力。

Testing including running through what a promotional video termed" the worst case scenario" in which a friend has shaken up the beer and it foams over. The case - - and the iPhone - - came through unscathed every time.

他们还对产品进行了“最坏一幕”的压力测试:啤酒瓶刚被人摇晃过,导致开瓶後泡沫四溢,但手机套和 iPhone每次都毫发无损。