Traveling Red


Do you know about" Red Tours"? The Communist Party of China( CPC,中国共产党) started in 1921. After that, the Party went to different places and grew strong. Today we call the places with CPC history" revolutionary bases(革命根据地)". When people go to see these places, it is called(被称为) a" Red Tour".

Two Teens readers will share their" Red Tour" stories.

1 Lü Yuelin, 13, Jiangxi

Last year, I went to the cemetery(陵园) where Fang Zhimin's body is. Fang was a revolutionary martyr(烈士). He died in 1935. In the museum there, I saw his things and read his articles. In the 1920 s and 1930 s, Fang faced lots of difficulties and had to live a hard life. But he kept his beliefs(信仰). Today, many of us don't know what a" hard life" is. We should learn from Fang Zhimin.

2 Li Dongdong, 15, Shaanxi

I went to Yan'an two years ago. It was an important base for the CPC. I visited Zhou Enlai's cave house(窑洞). It has only a simple bed and an old desk. The Red Army(红军) had a hard life in Yan'an. I learned this in school, but on my trip, I saw it with my own eyes. Even though life was hard, they didn't give up. They were amazing!
