


请谈谈你即将进入高中所面临的学习、生活、与人相处等方面可能遇到的困难,并可以向大家寻求帮助。词数 80100字,文章中不要出现自己的姓名和学校。语句要通顺,意思连贯。


学生范文 1

Hi, everyone. How's it going? I'll be a senior high school student this September. I will face something that is difficult for me.

First, senior high school work won't be easy. That is to say, I must study much hander so that I can be the best. I think my life will be busier and I will have less time to relax.

Second, I will live in school rather than live at home. So I may feel lonely. Now I am living with my parents but I will live on my own in a few months.

At the same time, I will meet many new classmates I wonder whether I can get help became my old friends won't follow me all the time. I need new friends to get help, but who can tell me how to make friends easily?

If you can help me to live a happier school life, please call me at 1627892. Thanks.


文章优点之一是结构清晰,由 first, second, at the same time等词引出三个方面的要点;优点之二是要点齐备,且每个要点中用对比的方法,分析了目前的生活状态和想象中的高中生活状态,设想正确而合理。行文中 soat the same timebut等的应用,使文章的整体性有了一个质的提升。此外,该文章句式丰富多变,一般将来时、现在进行时和一般现在时运用得当,如" I will face…"," Now I am living…"," If you can help me",情态动词 mustmaycan使全文贯穿一体,各种从句与祈使句互相呼应是一篇文采飞扬的佳作。

学生范文 2

Hi, everyone. How's it going? I'll be a senior high school student this September. I really miss the old days. But I must face a new life. I should do something to get into the new life soon. But the new life must be very different.

There are more subjects that I must learn. And they are more difficult than before. Sometimes I may not understand the things that the teachers say. How can I learn them well?

The life will change. There will be so many strangers that I may not find a real friend to talk with. I may be lonely. What should I do to get on well with others?

And I must study and live at school. I will miss my parents and old friends. I don't know if I can look after myself well. I need your help. Could you help me?


文章最大的特色是层次清晰明了,小作者用自然分段的方法,确保了要点的齐全和文章的整体协调性,并且对于即将面临的每个难题都以一个问句来结尾," How can I learn them well?"" What should I do to get on well with others?" 等等,明确表示出了对未来生活的喜和忧。同时,作者成功运用了各种从句," There are more subjects that I must learn"是定语从句," There will be so many strangers that I may not find a real friend to talk with"是状语从句," I don't know if I can look after my self well"是宾语从句,这些复合句的正确使用,也表明了作者的英语功底相当深厚。